You're in the right place! Here to support you, create your own course from scratch to published! You know how passionate I am about authentic teaching..
I am ready, to share behind the scenes insights into my process, with step by step lessons on how I create my courses, recording and the tech to deliver your course for all budgets, giving you the knowledge to avoid overwhelm. I share my method, lesson plans, structure for courses send you templates, and even more! Only those that sign up will get this first insight and offer that includes support & mentoring.
- with 33% off the course creation for joining now! for this 1st in take only!
It's all spiritual creation, from the heart space, let's share it with the world, and I'd love for you to join us!
Supporting you to get your passion and course out there! - Starts end of January 2024.
The High Dimension® Portal - Spiritual Academy & Conscious Community, is welcoming in facilitators and creators to build your own courses, groups, memberships & workshops..
- so the course creation will teach you how to & the Portal is an ONLINE course builder in SACRED SPACE to hold your courses.
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